Translation: « La lutte contre le changement climatique devrait être la priorité du budget de l’État », déclare une ingénieure environnementale.

La lutte contre le réchauffement climatique doit être "la ligne directrice des choix budgétaires" de l'État, plaide une ingénieure en environnement
          Les différents rapports publiés par le Haut Conseil pour le climat ou même la Cour des comptes montrent que l'action de l'État n'est pas suffisante, estime l'experte Amandine Richaud-Crambes.

According to expert Amandine Richaud-Crambes, reports published by the High Council for Climate or even by the Court of Auditors demonstrate that the action of the State is not effective enough in the fight against climate change.

Oxfam’s criticism of the lack of adaptation measures to climate change in France

In its latest report, published on Monday, July 15th, the NGO Oxfam denounces the lack of measures planned by the French State in the face of climate change in France. « Climate change » should be « the guideline for budget decisions » and not investments « scattered across various topics for climate change adaptation, » argues environmental engineer and urban planner Amandine Richaud-Crambes on franceinfo.

The insufficiency of State actions

According to the expert, the various reports published by the Haut Conseil pour le climat or even the Cour des comptes show that the action of the State is not enough, « there is a problem of quantification and targeting » of budgets. For Amandine Richaud-Crambes, « not only are there not enough investments, but they are also not always clear where they are headed » and « not necessarily towards the right objectives ». These budgets, according to her, are « scattered across various topics for climate change adaptation. »

Furthermore, Amandine Richaud-Crambes criticizes some of the investments made by the State in green finance. « They are often brown budgets, meaning that there is pollution impact behind them, » judges someone who also works at Ademe, the ecological transition agency. According to Oxfam, mainly 67 billion euros in grants are distributed in activities that contribute to climate change, especially in fossil fuels.

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Regarding « climate change, sustainable development in general, » Amandine Richaud-Crambes advocates for a « systemic response, meaning that it should be injected everywhere, at a more or less prioritized level. »

Article source: Francetvinfo

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